I Speedrun OVO on CoolMathGames and almost went insane - zepplay.com

I Speedrun OVO on CoolMathGames and almost went insane

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I Speedrun OVO on CoolMathGames and almost went insane. This is inspired by EazySpeezy and SmallAnt.

OVO is a game on Google’s Coolmathgames, to bad coolmathgames is shutting down. This video was hilarious, fun, and funny. This made me feel like EazySpeezy, he has some of the best content out there like i speedrun bad minecraft and papas freezeria speedrun. Hopefully my speedrunning youtube channel can be as good as his one day.

This is not is speedrun bad minecraft/ he thought I couldn’t speedrun the snake game/ I decided to speedrun Duck Life or anything like that. This isn’t a speedrun of Where’s My Water, but I did lose my sanity and saw things I will never unsee. This was pleasant, and the funniest video ever. Kinda like Quackity and Dream.

Thank you for watching!
#speedrun #coolmathgames #OVO